Why Detoxify?

    As individuals living in a society of pollutants and chemicals, toxicity is a problem.  More than ever we are seeing an increase in cancer, fatigue, stress, allergies, and a multitude of diseases.  Toxins exist in our air, water, food, clothing and working environments.  They affect the way we live, work, play and sleep.  Our bodies, which are naturally created to heal,  are on “overdrive” trying to purge of the chemicals, sugars, pollutants, and  toxic wastes found in  what we eat and breathe in its fight against disease and illness.  The Center for Disease control now quotes that over 85% of our illnesses are related to environmental toxins.

    Unfortunately, unlike our Eastern and European counterparts, the western model for treatment is to “medicate or operate” and the needed information for natural cures and remedies must be sought after with a little more diligence in such places such as your local chiropractor, acupuncturist, health spa, or naturapathic clinic. 

   In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg, a noted research scientist, received the Nobel Prize for discovering that "Malignant Cancer must have a Low Oxygen, strong Acid Environment. Over 150 degenerative diseases are linked to acidity."   We now know that creating an alkaline environment is crucial to the bodies well-being and aversion to cancer, bacterial growth, viruses,  and disease.  Acid wastes attack our joints, major organs, and lymph and circulatory system.  Our fight for our health is also a fight over our PH.         

        Beginning Symptoms of Acidosis include

                 fatigue, headaches, bloating, acne, constipation, 
                food allergies, panic attacks, slow circulation.

        Intermediate symptoms of acidosis include:

                asthma, bronchitis, insomnia, psoriasis, fungus,
                 depression, body odor, cold sores.

        Advanced symptoms of acidosis include:

                cancer, fibromyalgia, weight gain, multiple
                sclerosis, arthritis, gout, diabetes, lupus,
                leukemia, chronic pain, migraine headaches.

       The main focus of the Detox machine is that is alkalinizes the body ridding the body of unnecessary and harmful acids.  PH testing can be done on the saliva before and after a treatment to confirm the results.  Now, granted, one can detox in several ways.  The oldest and best known method is to do a prolonged fast.  Colon cleanses and liver flushes have also become popular to rid the body of waste build up, toxins, and acid.


What is incredible about the Detox system is that  you can do in 30 minutes what might take you days or weeks in another  form of detoxification.  It  used to be known as the “rich
man’s detox” in Europe.

How Does it Work?

    Our bodies are electric.  In each of our cells we have positive and negative charges called ions.  When we have the same amount of positive and negative, the body is balanced and neutral.  If we have not enough ions to balance the body, the body goes acidic.  At this point the body is running on a deficiency and will try to pull from surrounding tissue, bones, etc. to try to balance.   WATER has an almost perfect balance of positive and negative ions.  Water will split its ions on impact (like a waterfall, the beach, the rain– and in our case the impact of electricity).  Since the body is composed of over 70% water, its ability to interact with water  is  very high (Osmosis).  Each foot  has over 2000 pores and also the greatest number of sweat glands in the entire body..  The machine creates millions of positive and negatively charged ions that enter your body and begin to neutralize tissue acid wastes.  Consequently, the Ion Cleanse is one of the best detox products.  It is painless, drug free, and has no harmful side effects  

   Behind the research of the ionic footbath are Nobel  Prize winners Peter Agre and Roderick MacKinnen.  In 2003 Peter Agre (John Hopkins University of Medicine) and Roderick MacKinnen (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the “discovery of water channels” and “for structural and mechanistic studies of ion channels”. (see nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry /laureates/2003/press.html)  Their work confirmed the effectiveness of the ion exchange in cells and how cells take in nutrients and expel waste products. The pictures below are from the famous “Darkfield Studies” and show the difference before and after a detox session.  The pictures on the right show a  highly acidic (toxic, sticky, compromised) bloodstream and on the right a clean (alkaline, oxygenated, healthy) bloodstream. 

 Before Detox (Acidic)  


After Detox(Alkaline)           


  Healing Benefits


  • Neutralizes the body acid overload and balances the body pH.
  • Relieves the strain on the organs to rid waste & detoxify.
  • Improve cellular oxygen levels.
  • Liver and kidney detoxification.
  • Chelating of heavy metals.
  • Reduces stress and depression.
  • Reduces inflammation and pain.
  • Reduces PMS, tension, and menstrual pain.
  • Increases stamina, improves sexual health.
  • Improves sleep pattern.
  • Reduce headaches, migraines and symptoms of allergies.
  • Parasite cleansing and digestive purification.
  • Improves hair and skin problems such as wrinkles, acne and rashes.
  • Stimulate and enhance the immune system.
  • Purifies blood and lymph system.
  • Increase circulation; improve blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
  • Enhances weight loss, increases metabolism and energy.
  • End cravings in caffeine, drugs, sugar and nicotine.

  How Often Should I Do A Cleanse?

     One detox session is equivalent  to a fast.  If one were to purge through several days of fasting, the unit can accomplish the same benefit in 30 minutes.  Therefore  you are doing your body a huge favor with even just one session.
     For a full  body purge, we recommend 20+ treatments.  Every other day for 40 days or  three times a week until the desired results. 
     If one has a health challenge of a bigger nature (cancer, fibromyalgia, obesity, arthritis, etc.) then it is  recommended that the machine be used three times a week as a regular
habit.  If you choose this course then take a few weeks off after 25 treatments so that the body does not get lazy.

What Should I Expect During Treatment?

You will be qualified as to whether you can receive a treatment. 
You will be asked to remove all jewelry during treatment.
You will be given water to drink as it is important to hydrate during and after the session.
Your feet will be put in a basin of hot water with an ionic array placed next to the feet.
The footbath takes approximately 30 minutes.
You  will be encouraged  to take a vitamin/mineral supplement after the detox, preferably in liquid form.

What Would Prevent Someone from Doing A Footbath?

      You should not do an ion cleanse if you have a pacemaker, are pregnant or lactating, are epileptic, undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy (however, after these treatments it is recommended), taking blood thinners,  have transplanted organs, or open wounds on the feet.

Why does the Water Change?

  Whenever water is ionized there will be some color changes.  Some of this discoloration  is due to the minerals in the water and will change from region to region depending on water treatments in your area.  However, the difference between ionizing water with feet in it as opposed to no feet can be very significant.  Color changes will vary between clients and can also vary with the same client between sessions.  Please do not make assumptions on the efficacy of the treatment simply on the color of the water.  The water may change a lot or it may change very little.  This is normal.  The machine is working fine and the body will be absorbing energy.  When slight color changes occur, the body may choose to detoxify through the urinary system rather than the lymph system via the skin during a foot bath session.

    That said, it is probably the most fascinating part of the detoxification treatment to read the results in the water and a chart will be given to analyze the byproducts released during the session.  The particles, fat and mucous residues found in the water after your footbath reflect the wastes that have left your body during the 30 minute session. 

How Do I Read My Water? 

 During the ionic foot bath, the color of the water changes.  The various colors can tell you what area the body may be detoxing.  For example: 

:  kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, female/prostrate area
- joints
Dark green
:  gallbladder
- liver, tobacco, cellular debris
White foam
— lymphatic system
White cheese-like particles
— yeast
flecks - heavy metals
Red flecks—
blood clot material
To make an appointment
Call  (310) 701-2957

Disclaimer: This service does not claim to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. Please consult your physician for my medical advice.